Recent Changes to the Keywords and Page Performance Apps

October was the first full month of Google encrypting all search activity. That means analytics tools, like HubSpot, are no longer able to show visits from specific keywords from Google searches. In response, we’ve have made several changes to our Keywords and Page Performance apps to make them more useful for marketers and help drive focus to more relevant metrics with the information that Google now provides.

Changes to the Keywords App

The Keywords app now shows total organic traffic and contacts generated

Previously, the Keywords app showed visits and contacts generated from referring keywords. Since this data is now missing for searches on, HubSpot now shows you total visits and contacts generated from Organic Search. We feel this will more accurately reflect your performance on search engines, because if you are using keywords throughout your content in a relevant and purposeful way, your total visits from Organic Search should go up.

Estimated Savings is now located in the sidebar of Keywords

Estimated Savings is a much-loved metric by HubSpot customers. Unfortunately, because it is calculated by totaling the visits per keyword and then multiplying those visits by estimated cost per click (CPC), this number is now drastically under-reporting your true savings. As a result, we are relocating Estimated Savings from the top of the Keywords app to the sidebar on the right.


Changes to the Page Performance App

Page Performance will now check for tracked keywords in your page titles and headings

For a long time, the Page Performance app has scanned your pages for the presence of H1 tags as well as page titles. In the case of page titles, HubSpot has always let you know if your titles were not unique or if they were too long. Now, if you have a page with a non-keyword title, like “Home” or “About Us,” Page Performance will show an error to help you find pages that are not optimized for the keywords you’re targeting. You’ll notice this new feature the next time HubSpot does a crawl of your website, and it will help better identify content that needs more optimization.

Source : HubSpot


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