This is the second part of a short series about the WordPress Shortcode API. If you would like to read the first part of the series, please read WordPress and Shortcodes: The Short Manual. In this post, we are going to create our own shortcode.
Creating a shortcode
The code needed to create a bare-bones shortcode:
//[foobar] function foobar_func( $atts ){ return "foo and bar"; } add_shortcode( 'foobar', 'foobar_func' );
The commented code at top is an example borrowed from the WordPress Codex page on Shortcode API. Let’s walk through the function, step-by-step.
This commented code, placed at the top of the function, will become the shortcode.
function foobar_func( $atts ){
The first thing to do is declare a function and give it a name. Then, you can insert any attributes that you would like to pass into the function.
return "foo and bar";
Why return and not echo? Well, as in the video shown below, you should return the values, not echo them. Echoing the values will cause the shortcode to render in a strange and unpredictable way.
Finally, let’s call the function.
Let’s add the action hook to call the function:
add_shortcode('foobar', 'foobar_func');
If you would like to add attributes to your shortcode, then you will need to use the shortcode_atts function. You can find how it is used written below.
// [bartag foo="foo-value"] function bartag_func( $atts ) { $a = shortcode_atts( array( 'foo' => 'something', 'bar' => 'something else', ), $atts );
If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for reading!