Welcome to the fifteenth Friday’s Unknown Plugin Spotlight! In this series, we take a look at some of the newer and/or lesser known plugins that can be found in the WordPress plugin directory.
The LiveScore plugin thumbnail
Are you a sports fan? Then LiveScore plugin by lswjohn is made for you; the plugin covers seven different sport events including: football, tennis, basketball, ice hockey, American football, baseball and handball. The plugin also comes with seven different templates.
LSD Simple Cache
A new, simple, cache plugin on the block, LSD Simple Cache attempts to reduce server load and database requests. Developed by Bas Matthee.
WP Monsters
Want to bring your Pathfinder RPG monsters into your WordPress site? Thanks to gwannon, you can now do that with the WP Monsters plugin.
Plugin Bundles
The plugin bundles plugin thumbnail
With the Plugin Bundles plugin by raisonon, you can choose your favorite plugin bundle by using your own JSON feed to install plugins on a new site.
Facebook Reposter
invader7 created the Facebook Reposter plugin so that your old WordPress posts will be posted to your Facebook page every X hours. Works for Facebook profiles and/or pages.
iTunes Podcast Review Manager
iTunes Podcast thumbnail review
Are you a podcaster by any chance? The iTunes Podcast Review Manager by the fine folks at PODWP, grabs all of your plugin reviews and displays them in a table.