WordPress Weekly News and Tips: December 15th to December 21th

Welcome to the twenty first WordPress News Weekly. In these weekly posts, we gather news articles from WordPress-related resources so that you can be up-to-date.

10 Highly Customizable, Responsive, and Free WordPress Themes


URL: http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/10-customizable-responsive-free-wordpress-themes

 lists ten different themes that are highly customizable themes available for WordPress.

Fifty Actions of WordPress – 50 Examples (31 to 40)


URL: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/fifty-actions-of-wordpress-50-examples-31-to-40–cms-21581

The list of WordPress actions continues with ten more listed and explained.

100,000+ WordPress Sites Comprised Using the Slider Revolution Security Vulnerability


URL: http://wptavern.com/100000-wordpress-sites-compromised-using-the-slider-revolution-security-vulnerability

If you are using the Slider Revolution plugin, you should be aware of an exploit in the wild that is affecting over 100,000 WordPress sites.

How to: Prevent Bruteforce Login Attacks on Your WordPress Installation


URL: http://wplift.com/prevent-bruteforce-login-attacks-wordpress?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Wplift+%28WPLift%29

Along with the Slider Revolution exploit, you should do the most you can to secure your WordPress site; especially against brute force attacks.

What’s the Best WordPress Search Plugin


URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/best-wordpress-search-plugin/

 takes a look at a couple of search plugins and compares their features and pricing.

How to Build a Mobile App with Reactor


URL: http://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-build-a-mobile-app-for-your-wordpress-based-business/

The staff at WP Beginner wrote an interesting tutorial on how you can build an application with the Reactor plugin.

Jetpack 3.3 Introduces New Centralized Dashboard for Managing Multiple WordPress Sites


URL: http://wptavern.com/jetpack-3-3-introduces-new-centralized-dashboard-for-managing-multiple-wordpress-sites

The Jetpack 3.3 release now comes with many features including a share count for social buttons and compatibility with the new Twenty Fifteen theme.

WordPress Accessibility Team is Mobilizing to Make Accessibility Required for WordPress.org Themes


URL: http://wptavern.com/wordpress-accessibility-team-is-mobilizing-to-make-accessibility-required-for-wordpress-org-themes

If you are a theme developer, you should be aware that accessibility may be a requirement soon.

ManageWP Releases Plugin Discovery Tool


URL: http://wptavern.com/managewp-releases-plugin-discovery-tool

The ManageWP app has developed a new Plugin Discovery tool that allows you to discover new plugins on the fly. The Plugin Discovery tool even filters plugins by their list and compatibility.

Free & Paid (Legal) Images for Your Blog


URL: http://www.wpmayor.com/free-paid-legal-images/

Free is good, especially images;  has compiled a list of sources that you can use to find free and legal images for your blog. For reference, Unsplash is a great site with a lot of free images available for your choosing.

VVV-Dashboard Provides an Interface for Managing Varying Vagrants Installations


URL: http://wptavern.com/vvv-dashboard-provides-an-interface-for-managing-varying-vagrant-vagrants-installations

The VVV-Dashboard tool allows you to manage, create and delete your VVV installation and sites easily with a nice UI to tie it all in.

WordPress 4.1 “Dinah” Released



URL: http://wptavern.com/wordpress-4-1-dinah-released

WordPress 4.1 has been released! Remember to update to the latest version!

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